4 Ways to Get Hormones to Regulate Weight - How to Achieve Hormone Balance

Losing excess weight is one of the most difficult things for a person to achieve. And the huge amount of fragmentary or outright false information that we are bombarded with makes the problem even more significant. Especially the information from all the "health gurus" and "experts" that convert the weight loss in a money making machine. In short, once again, profit comes first, while health, panting, tries to catch up.

It should be public knowledge by now that weight loss and weight gain are related to many more factors than "proper diet and exercise". It should, but it isn't.

Genetics, gut health, chronic inflammation, unbalanced diet, toxins from our environment. All these things affect a person's ability to lose weight. And yes. Let's not miss the "little thing" called hormonal balance.

If you want to take anything away from this article, let it be this: all the factors we mentioned above are related and interdependent. Although in the article we focus on hormonal balance we will also include information on other factors, including exercise and dietary habits

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Shifting your hormones into weight loss mode.

Hormonal imbalances are often overlooked, despite their importance to weight loss. Today we are going to offer you four ways to switch your cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormones (separated from the thyroid gland), estrogen and testosterone into weight loss mode.

1. Stock up the exact one amount of nutrients. This is one of the foundations for hormonal balance

Thyroid health is key to losing weight, so we need to protect it. A major part of the health of thyroid gland involves taking the right substances in the right amount.

Hypothyroidism, a condition caused by a deficiency in the secretion of thyroid hormones. This condition affects 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men worldwide. Very often, this disease remains undiagnosed.

One of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism is iodine deficiency. The World Health Organization estimates that 30 percent of the world's population suffers from iodine deficiency.

Other nutrients that affect thyroid health are: selenium, zinc, iron.

Foods rich in iodine: algae, seafood, dairy, soy, supplements.

Foods rich in zinc: Seafood, chicken, eggs, soy, legumes, supplements

Foods rich in iron: beans, legumes, nettles, tofu, soy, supplements,

Recommended daily intake: Iodine – 150 micrograms, Zinc – 15 mg, Iron – 17-19 mg for women and 19-20.5 mg for men

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2. Reduce stress

Certain levels of stress are perfectly normal for us, even beneficial. However, in this day and age, we humans are subjected to excessive levels of stress and take it for granted. This is a big and in most cases very expensive mistake.

Excessive stress leads to the activation of the so-called metabolic syndrome, which often leads to obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. The hormone behind these problems is cortisol. Although this hormone is important for our senses and survival as an organism, when it is at high levels, it disrupts the normal functioning of our metabolic system and slows digestion.

The solution to achieving hormonal balance? Reduce stress. Especially unnecessary stress. People are different and have different understanding of stress, but some main factors causing stress are:

Toxic people

Dissatisfaction at work

Inability to let go of the past

Regrets about the past

Financial problems

Although some of these factors may be out of your control at the moment, you may find alternatives to eliminate them. A very good option is to learn to meditate.

See more at this link: Collection of author's guided meditations by Milena Goleva

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3. Relax every day.

Please understand something extremely important: you are the only being who can control your mind (sometimes it doesn't seem that way at all, does it?). The reason for this is that humans have what the Japanese call a "monkey mind", a phenomenon that we observe when our minds jump from thought to thought like monkeys.

It is also very important to realize the connection between body and mind. Improper posture, tension and shallow breathing directly affect the brain. Get into the habit of maintaining proper posture. Release the tension in your muscles and shoulders. Lift your chest and straighten your back - this way you automatically create more volume in your lungs and start breathing more deeply.

Active relaxation techniques include anything that relaxes you and makes you forget. Go for a massage, take a bath, breathe deeply.

If you want to change your mind or learn to master it, there is no better way to do it than the meditation. Meditation is not complicated. You need to focus on the present moment. It will help you a lot to focus on even and smooth breathing and feel the inhalations and exhalations. Of course, meditation is a much deeper and stronger method, freeing the mind from the shackles of the surrounding reality and allowing us to reach truths deeply hidden within us.

4. Start living life with balanced diet and sports

As we have already mentioned, nutrition and exercise are necessary for the maintenance of hormonal balance and weight regulation. The point is, many people think they are a short-term solution to a long-term problem (“I just want to lose these pounds!). And don't forget to use a quality scale - like these Salter models with 15 year warranty!

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No no no!!! The key to losing weight is to make it an integral part of your life, in other words you need to see it as a way of life, not a phase. With that in mind here are a few basics:

Keep a balance: take the right amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Research shows that a diet high in fat (good fat!) and protein and low in refined carbohydrates (sugar and starch) is most beneficial for overall health.

Take fiber: Fiber is very important for healthy digestion and metabolism. Good sources of fiber: fruits and vegetables (not potatoes!), whole grains, bran and oats

Drink alcohol wisely: Alcohol causes many problems, including hormonal imbalance. Choose the wine - see more here: The wine! You'll be surprised how useful it is!

Discover an Active Hobby: Play soccer, ride a bike, swim, hike a mountain, subscribe to online yoga this is an extremely gentle movement option that you can practice regardless of your age and weight! Choose a sport that is interesting and varied to you, because if you find it monotonous or boring, you will probably give up very easily.


Meditation How to eat and achieve the ideal weight and body by Milena Goleva

Translation: flow.bg

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