4 ways to charge with positive energy


Reducing stress and charging with positive energy

The tendency to interpret things in the world in a pessimistic way and have a self-limiting inner voice – can create significant stress in your life and exacerbate stressful situations you already face. So developing more positive actions is an important way to reduce stress. You can help yourself maintain a positive mood by surrounding yourself with positive energy in your life.

Effects of negativity

A negative inner voice and negative energy can have consequences that may not be obvious and even extend to those you come into contact with. Some of the more insidious effects are:

Increased perception of stress: When your internal dialogue is negative, it can actually sharpen your perception of what you're facing, making something that might just be annoying feel unmanageable, or something that's semi-stressful feel like a nightmare . When the language in your internal dialogue is more negative, your experience also becomes more negative.

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Pessimistic thinking: When your inner voice is more negative, your entire thought process can be more negative as well. It becomes a habit and eventually colors the whole way you see the world and your place in it.

Self-restraint: When you see things more negatively, you are less likely to look for or even recognize opportunities even when they come your way. This is common in those who are more pessimistic and can lead to less success in various situations.

and so:

4 ways to charge with positive energy

Or more: How to create positive energy

To transform your inner voice and mood from negative to positive, it is important to surround yourself with positive energy, feelings and people. You can do this with:

Uplifting music

Listening to music that has a soothing melody and an uplifting message can help you develop positive thoughts and attitudes. Have you ever played song lyrics over and over in your head for hours or days? If these lyrics are positive and uplifting, they create a much better mental soundtrack than a constant stream of complaints, criticism or self-limiting thoughts or depressing or sad lyrics. In addition, music has other stress-relieving benefits.

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Inspirational books and publications

Strength, enlightenment, or self-help texts can be good resources, to help you to change your view and the things you think. Instead of unlocking habitual self-defeating thoughts, you can brainstorm new ideas when times get tough. Take a look at these amazing authored articles by Milena Goleva, which will inspire you with positive thoughts and energy.

Positive people

One of the most important ways to get (and keep) positive energy in your life is with the company you keep. Do your friends lift you up or put you down? Are they critical or are they funny? Positive friendships provide support when you're stressed, fun when you're sad, and wisdom when you're lost. Good friends can inspire you to reach greater heights and see your strengths. Pay attention to how your friends feel, and if they're not supportive, start directing your energy and time to people who are better suited to be your friends.

Practice meditation

The meditation it can change your thoughts from negative to positive. If you see things in terms of possibilities rather than limitations - as what can be done rather than what can't, and start focusing more on solutions than problems, it can reduce stress levels by helping you feel in control. Start with the collection of guided meditations by Milena Goleva.

Focusing on creating a more positive inner life can help you feel more positive energy all around you. Keeping a gratitude journal is another effective strategy for doing this. You bring positive energy to yourself by reflecting every day on everything that is great in your life that you are grateful for and writing it down. Read a bullet journal whenever you need an emotional pick-me-up.

positive energy
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