10 commandments for parents who want to raise a happy child!

Children always love more! They do not believe that it is possible not to love because of some trifle... What about you? Can you hear your child's heartbeat? Can you tell him, "I hear you, I understand you, and I am your friend, my child."

You don't want your grown child to say years later: "I don't know how to be happy." Why didn't anyone teach me this?” and the question “How would I raise my child if I could go back in time?” never ceases to torment you.

You are only the starting capital, the platform from which the child starts out into the world. And from there on, happiness is the result of the efforts and skill of the person himself. No one will serve it to him on a platter, nor will he impose it on him. But you have to prepare this person well. So remember 10 important things:

10 commandments for parents who want to raise a happy child!

1. You teach your child to be happy every day.

Or… unlucky. Be careful! Protect him from the mistakes your parents made with you. Analyze them carefully. Your task is to create a happy person. This is the most valuable thing that will remain behind you!

2. Never use your child as an outlet or a shoulder to cry on.

That way you will create a huge guilt complex for him - that he destroys the life of your closest person and interferes with his happiness. This is too much of a burden for him!

3. Do not criticize the child for unsuccessful attempts and ridiculous mistakes.

Children are not only not to blame, but they are also damaged that today, instead of in a world of games and fairy tales, they grow up in a world of interiors and credits. Today, they have a lonely childhood, because the adults are busy with work, and their main "nanny" is the TV and the computer.

A relaxing story for children by Milena Goleva, suitable for children from 1 to 13 years.

4. Remember that children never do anything out of spite.

They just want to be heard. And when they show aggression, it is their desperate cry, a last attempt to ask their parents for love.

5. Pay more attention to the child.

Don't let him live on the stuff, don't lie to him with promises of "next Sunday." The child wants you by his side now, he wants your hugs and love...

6. If you can't help your child, at least don't clip his wings!
7. Don't hastily label your child

They become invisible hats with inscriptions, which he wears on his head for a very long time. For some, they are a crown. For others – a mask. For the third - a brand.

8. Your child is not the person you are, nor is he the person you want him to be.

Don't demand that of him. Teach him to become himself, not you! Love him for who he is and learn from him. Children are your best and surest chance to change.

9. Don't compare your child

neither with the neighbor's children, nor with the native brothers and sisters. By putting him down, undervaluing or comparing him to others, you throw him into the abyss of pessimism.

10. Do not direct all the resources of the child's personality to the development of one ability.

You do not yet fully know the person you will meet in him and the abilities he will possess.

And finally: don't forget that with their actions children want to make us hear their only important question: "Do you love me?". Or the desperate: "Does someone love me?".

A relaxing story for children, suitable for children from 1 to 13 years

See also: Blessed is the giver

Olga Makhovska

Olga Makhovska is a famous Russian psychologist-researcher and writer, candidate of psychological sciences and associate of the Institute of Psychology at the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is the author of a number of studies and books in the field of child and youth psychology, which thousands of parents use to raise their children. Many of her books are bestsellers and have been translated into different languages. Her books have been published in Bulgarian:

"100 parenting mistakes that can easily be avoided"

"Think like a child, act like an adult"

"I hear you, I understand you, and I am your friend, my child!"

Read also: Legend of the wise woman who gets everything she asks for

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