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10 ways to feel happier right away

10 ways to feel happier right away

10 ways to feel happier right away

Happiness is an internal state of mind, and despite what we've been told for generations, it doesn't depend on anyone but you. Of course, there are external factors that can make you feel bad, but… luckily, things are completely in your hands.

Well you say, but what exactly does it mean in my hands?

How exactly can you quickly and easily find a path to happiness? In the following suggestions I will give you 10 ways to feel happier how to improve your mood and become a better version of you.

1. Play some music.

But no matter what, remember what you liked in some incredibly happy moment of your life, play the same music that sounded then and... that's it. If you can't immediately think of which piece to choose, reach for something really fun.

How to be happy: 6 easy steps to find happiness

Happiness is the mental state of experiencing positive or pleasant emotions. In my opinion
2. Go outside. Take a short walk.

When a person is standing and moving, it is much easier to see another point of view and get out of even quite complicated situations.

3. Eat fresh fruit,

Every fresh fruit is good for your health, but also for your mood. A banana will be especially good for you, because you can see a banana here


Such a simple word works wonders - it gives good things to the one who gives it and to the one who receives it!

A nice way to feel the energy of gratitude is guided meditation – The Miracle of Gratitude, created by Milena Goleva. You can learn more about her here

How gratitude makes us happier

Choosing to be grateful can be an easy and affordable way to boost your happiness. There is an op
5. Learn something new

Go to the internet, wikipedia or just read an article about something that really excites you, but… avoid the news - it probably won't be charged with such positive energy

6. Buy something.

BUT. Not just going out and spending some money, NO! He bought a box of candy for his colleagues and treated them. Or get something tiny for a loved one. Make a small gesture - give a flower, even to a stranger. You will immediately feel how the energy of the spent money returns to you as gratitude and... good mood

9 things happy people do

What is the secret of happiness? It can be perceived differently by everyone, but we know that happy
7. Make plans.

Choose your dream destination, see the most interesting things there, look at photos, imagine the wonderful beach or the spaciousness of the mountain heights. Imagine the luxury of the hotel room and the wonderful dinner. But even just planning an evening with your loved ones at home and doing your hobby will make you feel significantly better.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Every human being is unique. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, we are wired to always compare our weaknesses to someone else's strengths. When you feel yourself starting to fall out with someone, quickly turn your attention to something YOU have accomplished.

Happy things happen to happy people

To the happy ones people have happy things happen to them, to others...☹️ I am always with
9. Smile! NOW!

It has been proven that a smile, even one that is not entirely sincere, sends signals to the brain that something good is happening start to feel a little better. Furthermore: Smiling people are more handsome!

10. Write down the good things!

Start keeping a journal. But in this diary, write down ONLY everything good that happened in your day. You will find that the good things are indeed many, and the more regularly you write, the more you will tune yourself to notice the beauty around you. Because we live in a magnificent world, but we often put on some gray glasses that somehow successfully hide the beautiful and replace it with grayness.

Now after reading these

10 ways to feel happier

immediately choose one of them and do it.

Do it for yourself. Because Happiness is not a moment in the uncertain future. Happiness happens now. Smile and make someone else smile.

Meditation - the best way to a happy life and to know yourself

Meditation is a wonderful way to shake off everything on a daily basis, to rediscover the world with new eyes and

Author: Nikola Belopitov

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