10 habits that damage your brain


Do you ever feel like your mental health is getting worse by the day? Like you're slowly regressing mentally instead of improving? Well, it might have something to do with your habits that can damage the brain and harm your mental health.

Read the article to the end to learn how excessive caffeine is working against you, along with other habits you've made second nature, but which slowly and quietly damage your brain.

1. Often allow yourself to be overwhelmed by stress and anxiety

If your life is filled with stressful events, it can affect your mental health in the long run and damage your brain.

To avoid stress, you should consider reducing the factors that increase your chances of stress. A plan or strategy for solving problems you face regularly can help. Additionally, engaging in a stress-relieving technique such as meditation can also help reduce high levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

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2. Failure to take on new challenges

If you're used to doing the same tasks every day for a long period of time, chances are you're slowly destroying your brain. This does not mean that if you are a doctor or a lawyer and perform the same tasks almost every day, you are hurting your brain. No, having a career or becoming an expert at something by doing it regularly is good and has positive benefits. However, if you don't try to do something new and stretch your brain a little, then you are bringing problems into your life.

Research shows that doing new things creates new patterns for your neural activity, keeps your brain sharp and maintains optimal mental health.

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3. Avoiding exercise, including yoga

Lack of mind-body practices for a long time causes functional and structural changes in the brain, which increases the chance of cardiovascular problems. Sitting for hours without any exercise can have a significant effect on your health and damage the brain. That's why it's always advisable to take a few minutes out of your day to do some exercise.

If your work schedule does not allow you to exercise every day, you can do it on those days when you have almost no work.

Remember that your body is the only matter you have during the years during which you will be here on earth. You don't get another body at any other point in the future, so you need to make sure you take care of it through frequent exercise or yoga.

Online yoga practices with Milena Goleva

4. Overeat

Overeating is considered a bad way of eating that causes brain-damaging health problems in the long term. It affects you physically and also puts you at risk, putting you at risk for obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes, and these conditions are linked to brain conditions like Alzheimer's and others.

Being aware of when you are tempted to eat or when your appetite is high, combined with a strong will to change your life for your peace of mind and health, can help you make a positive change in your life.

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5. Obsession with sugary foods

Eating foods that have no nutritional value works against your body and brain. Your brain needs nutrients to perform well, and if you are in the habit of consuming foods high in sugar, you are denying your brain the opportunity to function well and develop well, thereby causing a condition called malnutrition .

In addition, it was found that the brains of people who are used to eating junk food have regions that are associated with memory and learning to be relatively smaller than those of people who eat healthy foods.

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6. You don't sleep well

We all need a refreshing sleep after a long day at work, but we don't always get it. Maybe you have some assignments to complete or an assignment to submit before the deadline, so you steal some of your sleep time to work on it.

Too few hours of sleep also reduces your productivity and ability to decode people's emotions. Good time management during the day, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, away from electronics and avoiding stress are the best ways to ensure you get the amount of sleep your brain requires to perform at its best.

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7. Juggling multiple tasks at once

The main reason we multitask is to get more done in less time. However, doing so is more counterproductive than you might think.

First, you think you're getting more done in a short period of time, but you're actually setting yourself up for disaster. Our brains are not designed to multitask. We have to handle one task at a time, and when we multitask, our attention is divided and we end up doing low-quality work. You give your brain very little time to process and prepare how you should approach each job in the right way to get the desired results and thus make her tense.

Also, research shows that multitasking raises levels of the stress hormone, which can damage the brain. In the long run, your actions affect the overall functioning of your brain.

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8. Constant information overload

We live in a world where we are constantly seeking new information or receiving information that aims to improve our lives in various areas. However, if we often put ourselves in a state where we receive more information than we can process, it takes a toll on our brain.

If on a typical day you are taking in a lot of new information and trying to process and work with it, you are putting a lot of pressure on your brain's ability to decode and apply the information in the necessary areas, and this makes you ineffective. It also affects your memory and decision-making abilities.

9. Too much lingering on the couch

The brain is structured in a way that only improves when put to work. Think of it as a muscle. You need to train now so you can be strong. Likewise, you need to train your mind by engaging it in a number of tasks throughout the day, some of which are quite challenging, so that you make it go the extra mile, resulting in better productivity and improved mental abilities.

For example, when you're working, if you're used to concentrating for 30 minutes to an hour and then taking a break, you can try doing one hour to one hour and 15 minutes three times a week. Then, when it becomes quite easy for you to do it, you do it daily.

If you remain unemployed for a long period of time, you will subject your mind to mental decline, which will later affect your life and make it difficult for you to be efficient like other people. However, if you push your mind a little every now and then, you'll get better and reach your full potential.

10. Limited communication

Well, this will disappoint most introverts. Being alone for a long period of time can work against you more than you think.

See, human beings grow and improve with more interactions. The very act of interacting with a person engages the brain and enhances its function at the same time. When you're talking to someone, you need to think, reason, and process what's being said to be able to give good answers. You need to retrieve some information from your memory and use it in your discussions, and you also need to store new information you get from the person you are talking to for future benefits.

When you don't get to meet new people or talk to loved ones you already have, you lose out and that can damage the brain. Research shows that creating and actively maintaining social networks helps stave off mental decline and keeps you mentally sharp.

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