Cherry stew: customs and table

Cherry stew: customs and table

Cherry stew, also known as Spasova stew, is celebrated on the Saturday before Peter's fast. It is a time to honor our deceased loved ones.

Cherries-soul day Customs

It is believed that on this day the souls of all the deceased who have remained at large since Maundy Thursday come home.

On this day, a special service is held in all churches and temples in memory of the dead. In this way, the living beg forgiveness from God for their dear ones who are no longer among us. On Chereshova Dudushnitsa, as on any other Dudushnitsa, the relatives of the deceased go to the cemeteries to honor their memory.

The graves of the relatives are visited twice - the day before and at the funeral itself. There, the mourners light candles and lamps, after which they pour wine over the grave - a symbol of Christ's blood. Fresh flowers are also left and kolivo is brought - boiled wheat that has been prepared since the previous day and which is a symbol of the Resurrection. Bread is also broken, which symbolizes the body of Christ. In addition to gifts, candles, and cherry stew wine, walnut leaves are also brought to the cemeteries. It is believed that this custom is connected with the following day of Pentecost, when all Orthodox churches and temples are decorated with the noise of a walnut tree.

The walnut tree is an important symbol for Cherry Stew because it is believed to mediate between the two worlds – that of the living and that of the dead.

An old superstition says that if a butterfly flies by while people are eating at the common table, then the soul of the dead has come to earth for a short time to visit his loved ones.

Cherries-soul day A meal

Cherry Stew Customs

Mandatory, the first sip and mouthful is left on the ground for the dead to "eat" and "drink" as well. The table includes ritual bread, red wine, wheat, seasonal fruits and other foods, which are distributed to relatives.

Cherry Stew 2021 - June 19
Cherry stew 2022 year – June 11
Cherry Stew 2023 – June 3
Cherry Stew 2024 - June 22
Cherry Stew 2025 - June 7
Cherry Stew 2026 - May 30
Cherry Stew 2027 - June 19
Cherry Stew 2028 - June 3
Cherry Stew 2029 - May 26

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