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Three parables about life

Three parables about life

We have selected three for you parables about life:

1. Where there is Law, there is no Love

      Two monks are walking along the bank of a rushing river. There they meet a young and beautiful woman who cannot cross from one coast to the other alone. One of the monks picks up the young woman and carries her across the river to the other side.

      A few weeks later, the other monk said to his companion, “Have you forgotten that it is against the rules to touch a woman? Have you forgotten the vows you made? "

And the monk who helped the woman answers: "Brother, I left the young woman on the bank of the river after we crossed. Why do you still carry her in your mind? "

You don't need regulations or restrictions to have morals. If you can't distinguish love and compassion from apathy and indifference, then you lack empathy, not rules.

 2. The Absolute of Perfection

      Moolah talks to a friend about her love life. "I thought I had found the perfect woman," says Mulla. “She was beautiful and had the most pleasing features one could imagine. She was exceptional in every way, except she had no knowledge.'

      “So I traveled further and met a woman who was both beautiful and intelligent. But, alas, we could not communicate. " "After further travels I met a lady who had everything: perfect mind, perfect intelligence and great beauty, all the characteristics I was looking for, but …”

      "What happened?" asked the friend. "Why didn't you marry her right away?"

      Moolah replies "Because she too was looking for the perfect man."

The idea of perfection is a trick we exhibit. What is perfect? Perfect is now. Whatever you are or are not experiencing right now is perfect for you. When it's no longer perfect, it's not now.

3. The blind men and the elephant

Several citizens argue about God and different religions and cannot reach a common conclusion. They go to the Buddha to find out exactly what God looks like.

Buddha asked the disciples to take one big elephant and four blind men. He then tells the blind men to find out what the elephant looks like.

The first blind man touches the elephant's leg and reports that it "looks" like a pole. The second man touches the elephant's belly and says it is a wall. The third man touches the elephant's ear and says it is a piece of cloth. The fourth blind man holds the tail and describes the elephant as a piece of rope. And they all get into a heated argument about what an elephant is.

The Buddha asks the citizens: “Each blind man touched the elephant from a different angle, but each gave a different description of the animal. Which answer is correct?'

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