Todorovden: customs and table

Todorovden: customs and table

Todorovden is celebrated every first Saturday of Great Lent. On this day, the Orthodox Church honors Saint Todor.

Todorovden Nouns:

Todor, Todorka, Teodor, Teodora, Bozhidar, Teia, Thea

On this day, Saint Todor puts on nine coats, mounts his horse and goes to the Lord to ask him to send away the summer. After he reaches the kingdom of God, he sticks his spear into the ground and ties the horse's bridle to it. Steam rose from the ground and his wish was quickly granted. More about What traditions and customs do we observe on Todorovden?


Young brides prepare ritual bread, in the shape of a horse or horseshoe. Bread is smeared with honey and boiled corn is stuck on it. After that, it is checked by the mothers-in-law and from there it is distributed to the relatives. This ritual is important for the rapprochement between daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law and for the acceptance of young brides into the family. The ritual bread is placed in the manger of the horses, that they may be healthy and have offspring. While distributing the bread in some places in Bulgaria, the women even jump and neigh like a horse, so that the mares are fertile. Grandmothers cut their children's hair for the first time after winter, that's why in some places it is called "sheared like a donkey in March". The young girls wash their hair with water in which there is straw from the horses' mangers, so that their hair is shiny and strong like the horse's manes, then they pour the water after the horses, who go to the appointed place for the Kushi.

The Kushiya is a custom of pagan origin in which the whole village participates. Early in the morning, the men lead the horses to the watering hole, comb their manes and decorate them with blue and red beads, put on new shirts, and solemnly set out for the meadow designated for the race. The winner is awarded a wreath woven by the most skilled maiden in the village, and his horse is given a new bridle. The riders and the winner do a lap of honor, after which the champion gives a treat for health and prosperity in his home. The celebration continues with music and dance, in the center of which are the riders.

thodore day customs
A meal

The meal for Todorovden ritual bread, lentils, mushrooms and boiled corn

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Todorovden 2023, March 4
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