Just ten minutes a day and you will forget about eye fatigue - eye exercises

It is unpleasant when the eyes get tired. Dryness of the eyes, desire to rub them. Fatigue also leads to vision problems. To avoid this - do eye exercises to strengthen eye muscles. This training will also benefit those who already have vision problems

These eye exercises are only ten,

but you can choose the five you like best. This will be quite enough to achieve a healing effect. When it comes to your health there is no room for laziness. Get started!

Just ten minutes a day and you will forget about eye fatigue. eye exercises

Eye Exercises:

  1. Blink rapidly for 2 minutes - this normalizes intraocular blood circulation.
  2. He rolled his eyes to the right, then, moving his eyeballs in a straight line, rolled them in the opposite direction. Do this exercise at least 5 times in both directions.
  3. He felt the complete darkness. Baking in complete darkness is thought to help make the protein rhodopsin – a substance necessary for clarity of vision.
  4. Make circular movements with the head: right-left and up-down. These movements activate blood circulation, helping the eye capillaries to be supplied with blood.
  5. Describe eights with your eyes.
  6. Close your eyelids for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes. Repeat this exercise 7 times, it helps to relax the eye muscles.
  7. With your fingers, press (but not hard!) the eyebrows in an upward direction. Let the pressure continue for 2 seconds. This exercise is done in a series of 4-5 times. Helps reduce intraocular pressure.
  8. Stand by the window, focus on an object in the immediate vicinity, then direct your gaze to an object in the distance. Repeat 10 times.
  9. Close your eyes and slowly move your eyeballs up and down. repeat 5-10 times.
  10. With your eyes open, draw simple figures in the air at first, and then more complex objects and compositions.

This simple workout shirt is a lifesaver for tired eyes. Especially if you spend a large part of your time in front of the monitor, it is a must to add it to your daily habits.

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