How do we restart our lives when it seems too late?

How to start over


Everyone goes through the same changes in life, whether it's getting older, maturing emotionally, retiring, parenting, or being in a relationship. When change happens, we wonder how to start over and make the most of the new circumstances we find ourselves in.

You've probably been in a situation where you felt like things just weren't working out. Whether it's in your personal relationships or career development, you feel stuck and unsatisfied with things.

You need a change, yet you're afraid to make the conscious decision because you're not even sure what change you need to make, or you're afraid you don't have time to start over. Here we will try to give you an answer to the question: How do we start over?

You may have been in the same job for the past 5 years and the thought of doing the same thing for the next 5 or 10 years scares you. You want to do more or even something completely different.

Or you may already be an adult, with a good career and a family to take care of. You are financially stable, but somehow you are not quite satisfied with what you have achieved.

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There's just something missing. Yet we feel it's too late to leave all that stability behind to embark on a whole new journey.

Why do so many of us limit our windows of opportunity and potential?

How to start over
How to start over

How to start over when it feels like it's too late

The good news is that as our society continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, it also means that we have more opportunities to do things that were previously thought impossible. These days, more and more people are pushing boundaries and breaking stereotypes.

It's not just about age or education. It's about you and your ability to accept challenges and have the determination to break free from your existing situation.

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1. A new perspective

To break free from our limitations, we need to take a step back and gain a new perspective on what limitations actually are. At first glance, constraints are things that prevent you from doing something, but if you dig deeper, you'll find that constraints are things that keep you within a certain framework.

They make you face the same problems, have the same choices, and perform the same actions over and over again. Limitations determine the quality of your life. If you want to improve your life, then you must break free from the limitations that keep you in the same chain every day, month and year.

It may seem like the limitations you face are out of your control or something that just happens to you. However, your reality is derived from your perception.

It is not reality that matters, but rather how you perceive it. Being able to control how you look at things is the key to starting over and creating a new beginning. Shaping your perception is so powerful that just a small shift in perspective can completely change everything from your motivation and perspective, to your self-esteem and confidence.

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2. Identify the challenges

Once you decide to change your perspective and look at things in a new way, determine exactly what challenges you will face as you try to learn how to start over and restart your life. If you want to change your job, what is stopping you? Is it a lack of education, a bad job market, or just a lack of motivation?

If you have just ended a long-term relationship, what difficulties do you foresee in the near future? You may need to find a new living situation, reconnect with old friends, or get used to being alone again.

Whatever the challenges are, write them down, and under them note at least three possible solutions. Once you see that every problem has an answer, you will begin to put your mind at ease and become comfortable with change.

3. Check in with your values and priorities

If you're determined to start over and change your life, make sure you're heading in the right direction as you change. Determine your values and priorities and understand that they have probably changed over the years.

When you graduated from college, your priority was probably getting a job and making money. Maybe now you are more interested in developing a good relationship with your children or traveling the world. Be honest with yourself during this process to get the most out of the change you're about to make.

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4. Use the four steps to change

The Complete Life Framework provides a complete paradigm shift to turn every limitation into an opportunity.

Passing through four steps to change, you can transform your mind and actions toward the change necessary to achieve your ultimate goals and truly break free of your limitations.

Step 1: Find the hidden opportunity

It's easy to see what's holding you back. Instead, look for all the hidden opportunities that will come out of the change as you learn how to start over.

Step 2: Plan your progression

Create a plan to achieve the change you want to make. Set a long-term goal and then break it down into smaller short-term goals that you can work on over the next few months or years.

Step 3: Invest and prioritize

Invest your time and energy in realizing your plan and goals. Prioritize what you do and create deadlines to make sure your plan goes smoothly.

Step 4: Motivation and good habits

Even if you have a good plan, it won't work unless you develop motivation and positive habits. These habits can include goal setting, daily reflection, and persistence.

5. Meditate.

You may not believe it, but the meditation does an excellent job. It broadens our horizons and presents us with thousands of new possibilities. Start your journey through meditation with the collection of guided meditations by Milena Goleva


Here is a video by Milena Goleva, collecting 4 yoga practices and meditations for beginners:

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