How to practice meditation with a dog

How to practice meditation with a dog

Dogs are natural meditators. They do it daily, just by being there. This is their natural state. They intuitively enjoy every moment to the fullest. They are living meditation, and incorporating them into your own practice will benefit both of you.

The meditation with our dogs it's a natural fit and easy to do, they just need an invitation to join. No training required. Have you noticed how they are attracted to you while you are in a relaxed state? They respond to your calming energy. Our bodies are made of energy, and this energy travels beyond our own boundaries. We constantly exchange it with our little pets and if we meditate together, this energy harmonizes and gives us better connection, communication and understanding. Mutually.

Creating a deeper connection is simple and no major changes are required. Just find a quiet, comfortable place for your practice and let them come and go as they please. Before long they will encourage you to increase your time for meditation.

The calm energy of a dog can help you maintain your Zen during the most turbulent meditations. With regular practice, this will translate to better sleep, less anxiety, and overall increased well-being for both of you.

Meditating with a dog: Do it their way

The sitting (or lying) meditation is not the only type of canine skill. Instead of asking your dog to join your practice, how about actively participating in theirs? Walking meditations can be as profound as a sitting practice. Dogs can teach us a lot, for sure. Let them lead and leave your phone behind. Being present is the greatest gift.

Pay attention to how your friend enjoys every detail of their walk. Just like them, take your time and enjoy the details. You're guaranteed to notice things you've never noticed before. Let this inspire you to model their behavior even more and try to use all your senses. Smell, see, hear, touch and even taste. Enjoy the weather, breathe in the fresh air, and take a moment to let gratitude wash over you. That's what life is about. Your furry friend knows this all along and will be thrilled to fully share these moments with you.

Simply enjoying the dog can be another form of meditation. The next time you stroke him, think about how careful you are during the act and adjust accordingly. Focus only on them, take a deep breath and turn off the TV. When your mind starts to wander, consciously bring it back to the moment you are sharing and sending thoughts of love to your friend. You will both feel calmer, more connected and loved.

Whether your dog wants you to throw a ball 500 times or rub his belly for three hours, do it with real presence. Quality over quantity is essential. Each time you practice the duties of a dog owner with present moment awareness, your bond grows stronger.

Knowing how to connect on a deeper level is one thing, but doing it consistently is another. And consistency is the most important ingredient. Every time you meditate or have a moment of shared presence, you connect. Work towards your best human/dog relationship by ritualizing your practices. Set up a routine that your puppy can rely on. Automating will help you maintain balance, create good habits, and have something to look forward to.

The meditation it may come effortlessly to our dogs, but we are the ones who carry the routine. The human/dog relationship is a perfect meditative match, full of meaningful lessons on every side. Along the way, expect to learn from them, teach them, and really be with them. Ultimately, reap all the glorious rewards together.

Learn the four-seven-eight breathing technique

The four-seven-eight breathing technique is calming, short, simple, and you can do it anywhere...

Relax in a comfortable sitting position on the floor, bed, couch, or chair, with your hands resting on your knees and palms up or down.

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Close your eyes.

Exhale, sending all your breath out of your mouth as you make a noise.

Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for a count of four.

Hold your breath to the count of seven.

Exhale, sending all your breath out of your mouth for a count of eight.

After a few rounds you should start to feel a sense of relaxation.

Let your shoulders relax. This is my favorite part because the tension will leave your body. You don't realize how tense you really are until you release your shoulders.

Now, as you continue to breathe, visualize your heart as a sun – a golden ball – warm and glowing. Focus on this beautiful sensation for a few more breaths and breaths.

At this point I like to turn my palms up and on my next exhale I send the warm glowing feeling of love that I have created in my heart out into my animal's heart, asking if they would like to join me in this loving, peaceful space.

I do this by visualizing a beautiful path between my heart and my animal's heart. In my mind I ask him if they would like to meet and join me on this journey. The key is that your calmness and warm intentions are your invitation, allowing your animal the freedom to choose to join you.

Sometimes your animal is already there with you, physically or energetically. They can sit on top of you, sit close to you, or move away. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy your peace of mind. They have their own way of enjoying you too.

Once you are connected with your animal, simply continue breathing in and out of love as you visualize the details of the beautiful path you have envisioned to share with your animal, and enjoy the peaceful vision you have created for and with them. Is there grass? Are there flowers, trees, rocks? Is the road long and winding? Narrow or wide? You just might be sitting in the warm sunshine of the love light you sent them. This is your vision right now.

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Keep sharing this "other world" of peace and beauty until you or your animal is finished. Time is not important; the practice of intention, visualization, connectedness and stillness are.

Take five minutes or more anytime you feel it would benefit you (both of you) to downshift. This stress-free time is healing and beneficial for both of you. I love finishing this one meditation, thanking my animal for being who they are and all the wonderful things they bring to my life.

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