What should I do when I don't feel like doing anything?

What to do when I don't feel like doing anything

Everyone experiences a lack of motivation from time to time. On days like this, you may feel tired, irritable, or simply unable to spark your usual interest in the things you normally enjoy.

You should know that these periods are completely normal. This could mean that you are under extra stress or trying to cope with something unusual in your life. These feelings are temporary and usually nothing serious. They can sometimes be a sign that you need to step back, rest and let your mind and body rest.

Sometimes these lingering feelings of nothingness can be symptoms of more serious problems like depression or some other type of mood disorder. If you experience a loss of interest in things you normally find enjoyable, or a feeling of apathy about life in general that lasts more than two weeks, talk to your doctor.

If these feelings seem like a more temporary state of mind, there are some things which you can to do to feel better and regain your motivation.

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Take a break
Feeling like you don't want to do anything can be a sign that you're stressed or tired. Sometimes taking a break and spending some time taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do.

Consider giving yourself a "mental health day" where you release your expectations of what you think you should achieve. Instead, focus on doing things that help you feel restored and comforted.

Allow yourself to enjoy a nap, an afternoon with your favorite book or meditation. The key is to spend this time relaxing and letting your mind and body rest, so we recommend that you the collection of guided meditations by Milena Goleva.


Treat yourself kindly
Self-compassion involves not only being kind to yourself, but understanding that your experiences are part of being human and being mindful of your own emotions, good and bad.

Showing a little compassion and consideration can have important mental health benefits. Research has found that when people show self-compassion, it can help alleviate the negative effects of stress, reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, and reduce overall psychological stress.

So if you're having one of those days where you really don't feel like doing anything, treat yourself to a little kindness. Accept it, accept yourself and allow yourself the space, time and things you need.

In fact, showing such self-compassion has been found to help improving motivation, when you struggle with challenges.

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Go for a walk
Walking combines the benefits of exercise and spending time outdoors. Exercise has been shown to be effective in both the treatment and prevention of depressive symptoms.

Research also shows that spending time outdoors has a wide range of mental health benefits. A 2019 study found that contact with nature is linked to better well-being, better mood, more positive social interactions and increased happiness.

So if you're struggling with a bad mood and low motivation, a walk outside can help you feel better, whether it's a leisurely walk around the block or a hike on an eco-trail.

Talk to someone
Reaching out to another person can be a great way to get out of uninspired thinking. Think about who might be a good source of support at times like this.

Who can you talk to who can understand how you feel? Are you looking for someone who can listen, or do you want someone who can inspire you to move?

If you're not in the mood to go out with a friend, or if your friend isn't available, sometimes just going out and being around other people can be helpful.

To enjoy Cup of coffee in a busy coffee shop, smiling at people at the grocery store, or saying "Hi to the neighbor" are all simple social experiences that can help change your mood.

Plan something
Even if you don't have the motivation to work on something right now, that doesn't mean you can't start making plans for what you'd like to do in the future. Research shows that mental imagery, or visualizing things, which you want to do helps to increase the motivation, expected pleasure, and expected reward of these planned activities.

Doing something like planning a trip or other activity can give you something to look forward to and get excited about. Thinking about a future project or goal can involve doing things like visualizing the outcome or planning the steps involved.

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Start small
When it comes to finding the energy to do something, getting started is often the hardest part. So if you struggle with stumbling, starting small can help.

Instead of being overwhelmed by a mountain of tasks that you don't have the mental or physical energy to tackle, pick one small thing that you can do—then do it.

Simple tasks you might try to tackle include:

Washing the dishes

Making the bed

Folding laundry

Reply to an email

Scheduling a meeting

Clearing out a locker

Bill payment

Housework can be boring, but even the easiest tasks can start to feel overwhelming if you let them pile up. Starting with one small task is sometimes enough. Once you're done with this easy job, you might think that tackling one more thing might not be so bad.

And if you decide to stop after just one, that's fine too! Give yourself some grace and do what you can when you can.

Write in a journal
When you're struggling with difficult emotions, it can sometimes be helpful to write about them. Some research suggests that writing can be a useful tool for mental health.

Often described as expressive writing or writing therapy, this approach has been shown in various studies to help lower blood pressure, relieve symptoms of anxiety, and reduce symptoms of depression.

Spending some time writing can be a great opportunity to reflect on what you're feeling and explore some of the reasons why you might be feeling that way.

Find what works for you
If these ideas don't work for you, start looking for something that fits your situation and how you feel. Some strategies, that can help you to inspire you on those days when you don't feel like doing anything include:

List the steps needed to achieve a goal

A list of music that inspires you

Focusing on positive thoughts

Reading a book or listening to an audiobook

Cooking or ordering your favorite meal

Practicing deep breathing


If you've tried these things and more and still feel lethargic and listless, it may be time to look at your symptoms and decide if the problem is more serious.

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Assess your symptoms
If your mood persists and is accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a sign of depression. Some other symptoms to watch for include:


Changes in sleep patterns

Changes in appetite

A feeling of hopelessness

A feeling of worthlessness

Constant low mood

Consider your current condition and make sure you are meeting any immediate physical or mental needs. By taking steps to change your mood and take care of yourself, you can feel more inspired, motivated, and engaged.

I do not want to do anything
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