9 ways to stop complicating life and start living

9 ways to stop complicating life and start living

Yes, we've all been there - those times when life seems so incredibly complicated that we have no idea what we're supposed to do. These are the moments when you need to stop, take a breath and relax. Because the truth is that we often complicate things and cannot visualize the problem clearly because we panic.

In this article, I'll walk you through some of the ways you can stop complicating life and start truly living.

Sounds great, right? Let's get into it!

1. You are a work in progress

Look, you're working on it, and you're probably never going to stop. It's time to accept this fact. The beauty is that you are not alone. Everyone else on this planet is in the same boat. If our ships sink, we sink together.

Remember, just because you're a work in progress doesn't mean you're not good enough. It just highlights that you are still trying to improve and that there is more to learn. If you are not currently in the process of working, I am truly sorry. You're missing out.

Overall, the point here is to stop complicating things because you feel like you're not good enough. You are certainly good enough. So, stop hating yourself for not being perfect.

2. Live honestly

You have no idea how many people I see that complicate their lives because they choose to live immorally. Not only does it make them look bad, but it also makes them feel bad.

When you lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead or take advantage in some other way, you make things difficult for yourself. You're always worried about whether or not you'll get caught, or if it'll all come back to haunt you - as it should!

So, stop living this way. Live morally. Be kind to others and lead an honest life. Stop complicating life by being a bad person. Just facilitate the things that you know are in your heart and your core.

3. Communicate clearly

This is perhaps one of the most significant ways to remove some of the complexity from your life. Too many people get themselves into trouble simply because they don't know how to communicate effectively.

They say things they don't mean and that causes problems. No one is a mind reader, so if what we say is not clear, it is likely to be misinterpreted and this will lead to problems.

If you practice good and clear communication regularly, you will notice how much it affects your life and the problems it helps you avoid. Don't underestimate this extremely important skill and how much it affects your daily life.

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4. Stop being too materialistic

Yes, this is important. Too many of us are driven by the script that society imposes on us, telling us that we need more.

The amount will never be enough. Quality will always be better than quantity. So instead of trying to keep everything, look for quality in the things you aspire to own – whether it's objects, friendships or experiences, it really doesn't matter.

Stop trying to spend money - you don't have to impress people you don't even care about.

Wealth is not obtained through material possessions, so manage it wisely. Trying to reduce your desire for material possessions will reduce the complexity of your lifestyle.

5. Don't waste time changing people

If you want to make your life more complicated than ever, start spending your time trying to change and control the people around you. I guarantee they won't appreciate your efforts and will end up making you dislike your own life.

So, stop complicating life by just accepting people for who they are. Save yourself the trouble of trying to change and control people who don't want to be influenced in this way.

Just appreciate them for who they are, and if you can't do that, maybe it's time to consider spending your time with someone else.

6. Reduce exposure to toxic people

You really are the average of the people you choose to surround yourself with. That's why it's important to constantly check your social circle.

If you have a choice, spend more time with people who are smart, mature and kind and less time with people who are the opposite. This is because one group will pull you and your development forward while the other group will hold you back.

This does not mean that you should avoid these people completely, you just need to reduce your contact with them.

Life is fast and if you spend it with the wrong people, you risk ending up with serious regrets.

Trust me, you don't need their help to make your life more difficult or challenging.

7. Stop procrastinating

We all do it from time to time. But procrastination is one of the biggest stressors we impose on ourselves in life. And we do it willingly. Why? There is no good reason for this extra stress.

We know we need to get something done, but we keep putting it off until the last minute. This unnecessarily complicates our lives. So, do what you have to do to eliminate procrastination as much as possible.

Make to-do lists, make a schedule, and set deadlines for when something needs to be done. Do whatever you need to do to get things done sooner.

8. Learn to say "No"

Look, you can't do everything for everyone. If you try to say yes to everyone, you'll end up disappointing more people than you want to and complicating your life in the process.

You don't need that in your life.

Ironically, learning how to say no to some people will sometimes help you in many ways.

This will allow you to focus on the people and opportunities you really want to spend time on. This will help you be happier simply because you are doing the things you want to do.

So, do yourself a huge favor and stop making all those promises you either can't or don't want to keep. Over-commitment will only result in making you unhappy.

9. Focus more on the things you can control

Look, life is crazy sometimes. We all feel the urge to control things because it makes us feel better in all this chaos.

However, hardly anyone can control everything. That's why it's better to just start understanding what things you can and can't control. Once you do that, you can start focusing on what you can control.

By focusing your energy on the things you can control, you save yourself time and energy from being wasted trying to control things you have no control over. Not only will this reduce your stress, but it will also be good for your mental health in the long run.

This is a great way to stop complicating life and start moving in the right direction because your energy is fixed on the important areas.

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