The day you realize how amazing you are is the day the world better back off


There are sayings or words of encouragement that you remember and use all the time. Some come from a loved one, some bring you comfort, and some you remember from the past and think about often.

These are the words of encouragement that come to mind when you need them most to remind you that:

You'll make it

You can overcome any obstacle.

Nothing will stop you.

No matter what you need, you will find the solutions.

What you really want in life, you can have.

Потърсете цитатите, които резонират с вас, и ги напишете някъде на видно място. Търсете прости решения и стратегии, защото те имат най-голямо въздействие. Има причина, поради която някои от великите идеи на древните все още са най-използваните и приспособими към живота на 21-ви век – защото те работят.

Inspirational quotes should be easy to remember, connect with you on a personal level, and ignite your passion, enthusiasm, and goals in life.

 Let go of the guilt. Guilt is an emotion that never leads to good things. Remove the blame and you can move on.

 In this moment in time, you are all you need to be all you want to be.

You need to know on a good day how to take care of yourself and your success on a bad day.

 Your mind can be a force for your success or a force for your failure. Choose wisely the quality of your thoughts. How will you monitor the quality of your thoughts and make sure they are working for you?

Дори плувецът на дълги разстояния не постига успех сам – кой е във вашия екип, водещ към успех?

Животът е по-лесен с любов – разменете думата „живот“ за успех, щастие, постигане на целите си. Сега се запитайте – откъде черпите любовта си? Първо трябва да бъдете вие.

Learn the science of who you are. This is powerful knowledge that will empower you to move forward, no matter what you are facing or what you want to achieve.

 Trying to copy the route to success that someone else has taken does not guarantee you success. You must honor your values, beliefs and experiences.

 What you think is possible is absolutely correct. Challenge what you think.

For a month, ask yourself this question every day and rate yourself from 1 to 10. Write the answer on your phone's calendar: How successful do I feel? You can exchange successful for happy, rich, loved, etc. Notice what affects your score.

Медитация Позитивни утвърждения за всеки ден от Милена Голева – Практиката обхваща и дава безкрайно ефективни утвърждения в следните области: здраве, хранене, взаимоотношения, благополучие, изобилие.

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