Influence of creativity on health

Influence of creativity on health

Creativity it helps us perceive the world in new and different ways. It helps us create works of art, solve problems, and refresh our bodies and minds. When you have fun, you have a positive impact on your health.

Creativity improves mental health Expressing yourself through artistic and creative activities is like a recipe for your mental health. Turning to creativity has been shown in extensive research to relieve both stress and anxiety. Creativity also helps reduce the shame, anger, and depression experienced by those who have experienced trauma.

Creativity puts you in a state of flow. Have you ever been so engrossed in writing in your journal, creating postcards from your latest photos, or dancing to your favorite band that you've lost track of time?

Psychologists call this the "flow state." During this time, you are focused with optimal attention on a task or activity. Sometimes it's called being in the zone.

It is an excellent and often euphoric state. In this state, we are more attentive and calm. It allows us to feel more positive and brings a sense of accomplishment. People who experience flow report higher levels of creativity, productivity and happiness.

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How to encourage our creative side

Maybe we don't think of ourselves as artists or as innovators trained to put forth bold, new ideas. However, the key traits of innovators include energy, intelligence and discipline, which we all have in varying amounts.

While we may not be artists or innovators by trade, that doesn't mean we can't use ways to expand our creativity. We all have the ability to express ourselves and come up with alternative ways of looking at things.

The good news for those of us who didn't excel at art in childhood is that the beneficial effects happen during the art process. They are not based on the final product.

Here are some ways to successfully do so encourage your creativity.

Draw or color

A growing body of research shows that activities such as drawing and coloring can relieve stress and depression. Art activities have been linked to improved memory and resilience in older adults, even helping older adults with dementia reconnect with the world. Actively making art has also been shown to prevent cognitive decline.

Influence of creativity
Sing or listen to music

Music connects us. According to researchers, when we harmonize or synchronize with others, we have more positive feelings toward them. This happens even if they are not in the same room.

Singing increases oxytocin levels in both amateur and professional singers. If you are not into singing, do you just like listening to music? Simply listening to music is liberating oxytocin. Music directly affects oxytocin levels, and oxytocin affects our ability to trust and connect socially with others.

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Dancing is not only fun, but also useful. Studies show that dancing relieves anxiety, improves the quality of life of breast cancer patients and reduces the risk of dementia in the elderly.

What's surprising about the study is that the benefit isn't just due to exercise. Compared to other forms of exercise, dancing is the only exercise that matters.


Studies show that the meditation can have a lasting impact on human cognition, including our creativity. The meditation it opens your mind to new ideas, helps us to be focused and see the world from different points of view. Meditate with Milena Goleva's wonderful guided meditations HERE.

So when you are overwhelmed with problems, step away from the computer. It helps to think creatively about solutions and alternative options while walking in the garden or walking in the park.

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